Imagination is the Highest form of Research
10000+ Citations | 1000+ Publications | 4 Crore+ Fundings | Rewards to Researchers
Preamble: Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) are platforms of treasured knowledge sharing and transmission, and erudite exploration. These core and complementary exercise of scholarship, innovation and research productivity principally determines the graduate research and outcome which are the two cardinal features that reflect the caliber of alumni and define the prominence of HEIs. The successful attainment of this milestone is greatly contingent upon alignment of the dynamics of teaching-learning process, a guaranteed academic freedom and shared responsibilities.
Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College's central functions of teaching-learning are complemented by research, which depends upon an atmosphere in which freedom of inquiry, thought, expression and publication are given the fullest protection. This policy document presents the broad principles that guide the research enterprise at Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College and assure the integrity of scholarly inquiry that aims at helping students, scholars and faculty of Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College to achieve excellence and contribute to the societal development.
The college is committed to promote a research culture among Faculty and students as basic long term research provides the foundation for future development of the Institution. The research policy of the college aims to develop and promote scientific temper and research aptitude of all learners; to realize the vision and mission of the college and to identify research areas of academic, practical and socially relevant significance thus contributing to national development. It also aims at ensuring that the research activities of the college conform to all applicable rules and regulations of the affiliating University and U.G.C. as well as to the established standards and norms relating to safe and ethical conduct of research. Our research policy provides a broad framework to the research activities with the following objectives:
The Academic Council of Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College hereby affirms the following principles concerning research:
The above principles provide a broad framework to guide research and integrity of scholarly inquiry at Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College with respect to research at all levels - Bachelors to Ph.D. as well as research supported with extramural funding. They reinforce the individual research personal responsibility to assure that the conduct of research, the sources of funding for the research and its perceived outcomes are consistent with the individual researcher's judgment and conscience.
Although researchers have the freedom to choose their own topics of research, it is highly desirable to make research socially relevant. Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College expects the various cells, forums, and Departments to identify the trends for research. Dr.NGPASC will support the innovators (academic community and local community) with impactful socially relevant ideas which have great potential to be a successful Social Enterprise. This centre is confined to the following thrust areas:
The College believes that researchers are free to choose the subject of their research, to seek support from any funding source for their research work, and to report their findings and conclusions. However, the research shall be available for scrutiny to the faculty/advisor concerned and constructive criticism of the peers. The following steps shall be taken to promote research at Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College.
The research cell is constituted with the Principal as chairman, Dean R&D as Coordinator, and all research guides as members. The ways and means of improving research activities is discussed in the meeting of Research cell.
Every researcher of the college has a responsibility to foster an environment which promotes intellectual honesty and integrity. The researcher should resist from indulging in activities which infringe on the copyrighted materials which would amount to misconduct in any aspect of research. The Research misconduct may mean and inclusive of any behaviour of the researcher that borders conflicts of interest, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research or in reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data. The College shall take seriously all incidents of research misconduct and shall ensure that the procedures for the inquiry, investigation and adjudication of any misconduct are just for all parties involved. Dr.NGPASC not only views research misconduct as extremely troubling but also views the same as a threat to the basic principles of research and ethical standards the College strives to maintain and promote. Dr.NGPASC undertakes to comply with the provisions formulated by the UGC in its Draft Policy Note No. F. 1-18/2010 (CPP-II) dated 1st September 2017 - UGC Regulations (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Education Institutions) - 2017.
In each research department, Research Forum may be formed comprising of research scholars. Motivated PG and UG students can also be members of the Research Forum. The members of the Research Forum may be given chance to interact with the scientists and experts in the field whenever possible. The members may be given information on the summer research fellowships available in IISc, IITs and other research institutes. The members may be encouraged to apply for projects announced by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Department of Science and Technology (DST), University Grants Commission (UGC), and other agencies. The Research Forum may organize regular research oriented discussion on recent developments in research.
Dr.NGPASC follows a proactive policy of encouraging professional development of teachers and provides T.A., D.A. and Registration fee for those who present papers in national/ international seminars organized by other institutions. Seed money is granted for researchers for publishing research papers per publication per researcher at the rate of Rs. 500 and Rs. 250 respectively in international and national journals. This in turn motivates researchers to apply for research projects from Government and Non-government agencies to take up research.
Seed money is given to departments for conducting national/ international seminars/ conferences/ workshops for dissemination of research findings.
DrNGPASC is keen to participate in the research, transmission and enhancement of knowledge and to encourage the staff and the students to take part in the socio economic and scientific development of the nation.
All researchers are encouraged to get funds for research through submitting research proposals to Government and Non-government agencies.
Inclusion of research component in the curriculum is a way of promoting creativity among the undergraduates and postgraduates. Accordingly, group, lab on and individual Research Projects are included in the final year curricula of the Bachelors and Masters programme respectively. Upon submission of the dissertation, viva voce is conducted on the dissertation.
The Overall Project Coordinator (OPC) is responsible for student allotment, implementation and monitoring of project progress and outcome at various stages. OPC shall convene monthly Project Review meeting between 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm on any day except on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Project review committee comprises of Principal/ Principal Nominee, Dean R&D, OPC, PCs and the HoD
Issues, non-availability of resources if any are to be discussed in the project review meeting and the report is to be submitted in Principal’s office through Dean R&D. OPC shall give guidelines for the preparation of dissertation
It is the responsibility of the OPC to ensure that
At the end of academic year, projects list and the resultant publications should be submitted to Dean R&D/ Principal’s office
Research projects supported by Government agencies as well as sponsored extramurally form an important resource for augmenting infrastructure and professional recognition of the faculty and therefore the College. The institution has been encouraging the faculty to conduct research as a means of augmenting and complementing the teaching process. Research Committee would identify a list of funding agencies – government as well as industry, and develop a scheme for providing financial assistance in the form of seed money to conceive research ideas and realize the project. For this purpose, every year the College earmarks financial budget. The Minor Research Project Scheme helps young faculty to prepare the proposal, conduct research and begin publishing. It also assists them in preparing proposals for major research projects.
For collaborative research there should be formal agreement between the parties involved in the project. Then the proposal can be submitted to the agency for the financial assistance. Also the intellectual property rights of all researchers involved in the project must be clearly spelt out.
The HoDs should motivate and encourage initiating research by individual staff.
The staff, who is pursuing part time/ full time research, can utilize the available infrastructure facility for doing research.
The staff can also use the lab facility for doing research during holidays with prior one time approval.
Individual staff can bring out research publications in referred and peer-reviewed journals along with good impact factor with Dr.N.G.P. ASC affiliation.
The staff who involve in research can decide the co-authorship(s) in paper publication.
The staff can write proposal to any funding agency on their field of interest.
The staff responsible in conceiving and bringing out the project is the P.I. and who are supporting will be co-investigators.
In case, if the staff not holding the Ph.D., he/she can identify the P.I. wherein the staff can be the co-investigator.
The co-authorship in the paper publication and the P.I./ co-investigatorship in funded proposals are not mandatory to include the senior professor/ HoD.
It is directed to use the following heads to claim the expenditure for all the projects hereafter:-
All Payments Exceeds Rs.500/- should be made only through electronic transfer/ cheque
All the Principal Investigators/ Co-ordinators of the ongoing projects/ schemes are directed to maintain the following files;
The selection committee to appoint JRF and SRF shall be constituted
The following are the composition of the committee:
Chairman - Principal
Dean - Research and Development
HoD - Principal Investigator (P.I.) affiliated department
Subject Expert- Concerned area of research (TA/ DA shall be availed from research fund)
Selection Process
Promotion of JRF to SRF
The following are the guidelines for purchase of equipment:-
S.No | Name of the PI | Department | Funding Agency | Sanction Order No. | Amount in Rs. | Event and Date |
1 |
Dr. Renga Ramanujam |
Microbiology |
F.No. SSY/2023/001595 |
₹ 100000 |
Two days National Seminar - completed on 22 & 23-Feb-24 |
2 |
Dr. M. Kalimuthu |
Commerce (PA) |
F.No.NIS/NS/222/IC/2023-24 |
₹ 100000 |
One-day national Seminar - completed on 08-Feb-24 |
3 |
Dr. R. Senthil Kumar |
Computer Science with Cognitive Systems |
F.No.NIS/NS/226/IC/2023-24 |
₹ 90000 |
One-day National Seminar - completed on 05-Jan-24 |
4 |
Mr. D. Sivakumar |
Medical Physics |
Indian Association for Radiation Protection- NGO |
₹ 20000 |
IARP Workshop on Radiation Safety in Radiation Technologies Programme held on 01-Sep-23 |
5 |
Mr. D. Sivakumar |
Medical Physics |
Indian Association for Radiation Protection- NGO |
₹ 20000 |
IARP Workshop on Beneficial effects of Radiation Technology and Indian Nuclear Energy Programme held on 31-Aug-23 |
6 |
Dr. R. Senthil Kumar |
Computer Science with Cognitive Systems |
F.No. SSY/2023/000342 |
₹ 75000 |
One-day National Seminar - completed on 21-Jul-23 |
S.No | Project Title | Scheme Coordinator | Funding Agency | Duration | Sanction Order No. | Amount in Rs. |
1 |
Improving critical thinking and ‘hands-on’ experimental work at undergraduate (college) level in sciences |
Dr. S.S.Sudha Coordinator DBT STAR Status College Scheme |
November 2023-Oct.2025 |
HRD-11012/6/2023-HRD-DBT |
₹ 12595438 |
2 |
Improving critical thinking and 'hands-on' experimental work at undergraduate (college) level in sciences |
Dr. S.S.Sudha Coordinator DBT STAR College Scheme Additional Dept. |
January 2023 to December 2025 |
HRD-11011/29/2022-HRD-DBT |
₹ 62,30583 |
3 | Life Science and Biotechnology Education and Training at undergraduate level under the Star College Scheme | Dr.S.S.Sudha | DBT | 1 Year (05/03/2018 - 28/02/2021) | F.No:BT/HRD/11/011/2018 dt. 05.03. 2018 | 82,00,000 |
4 | Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) Program | Dr.S.Balasubramanian | DST | 1 Year (01/10/2014 - 30/09/2019) | F.No: SR/FST/College-162/2013 dt. 08.09. 2014 (50:50 mode) | 40,00,000 |
S.No | Project Title | Name of the PI & Dep | Funding Agency | Duration | Sanction Order No. | Amount in Rs. |
1 |
Impact of Creating Awareness on First 1000 Days of Life Among Prenatal Tribal Women” |
Dr. D. Sridevi, Food Science and Nutrition |
March 2023 - Feb 2024 |
F.No. 02/215/2022-23/ICSSR/RP/MN/GEN |
500000 |
2 |
NEP-2020: Opportunities and Challenges of HEIs in Achieving Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Creating Human Resources to the Paradigm Industry Requirements: A Study of Selected HEIs of Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh |
Dr. M. Kalimuthu, Commerce (PA) Short-term empirical research project |
Sep 2023 - Mar 2024 |
F.No. 274/CRP-23-1060/NEP20/SCD |
1000000 |
3 |
Recognition and Practice of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) among Farmers from Western Zone of Tamil Nadu - A Diagnostic Approach |
Dr. S. Suguna, Commerce (PA) Short-term empirical research project |
Oct 2023 - Mar 2024 |
F.No. 126/CIS-23-812/PMFBY/SCD |
390000 |
4 |
Attitude towards Atal Pension Yojana Scheme among Unorganised Sector Workers in Coimbatore District |
Dr. S. Renugadevi, Commerce Short-term empirical research project |
Sep 2023 - Mar 2024 |
F.No. 165/CISP-23-738/APY/SCD |
400000 |
5 |
Cultural Characteristics and Distribution of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in Tamil Nadu |
Dr. R. Madhula, MSW Major Project |
Sep 2023 - Oct 2025 |
F.No. 02/142/2022-OBC/TS/RP |
800000 |
6 | Influence of particle size on the in vivo and in vitro toxicity of metal oxides causing toxicity in model zebrafish in normal human Bladder Cells and Bladder Tumor Cells | Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran, Physics | DST | - | DST/INT/FRG/DAAD/P-13/2017 dt. 25.03.2019 | 3,39,700 |
7 | Developing a portable composite household Foldscope kit for a improved sanitation and human health | Dr. S. Balasubramanian, Biochemistry | DBT | 1 Year 6 months (20/05/2018 - 19/09/2019) | No.BT/IN/Indo-US/ Foldscope/39/2015 dt. 20.03.2018 | 8,00,000 |
8 | Popularization of Foldscope among farmers of Coimbatore for the onsite detection of pest nematode | Dr. S. Gowri, Biochemistry | DBT | 1 Year 6 months (20/05/2018 - 19/09/2019) | No.BT/IN/Indo-US/ Foldscope/39/2015 dt. 20.03.2018 | 8,00,000 |
9 | Detection and identification system of Bacteria and Bacterial endotoxin in the drinking water source by Foldscope | Dr. A. M. Ramachandran, Microbiology | DBT | 1 Year 6 months (20/05/2018 - 19/09/2019) | No.BT/IN/Indo-US/ Foldscope/39/2015 dt. 20.03.2018 | 8,00,000 |
10 | Portability assessment of drinking water resources used by SC/ST population of Valparai Taluk, Coimbatore district, Tamilnadu | Dr. V. Shanmugaraju, Biotechnology | DST | 2 Years (01/03/2016 - 28/02/2018) | F.No.NRDMS/01/71/014 (G) dt. 05.02.2016 | 9,42,000 |
11 | Study on socio-economic status and problem faced by women workers in textile industry with special reference to Coimbatore district | Dr. B. Thangaraj Commerce (CA) | UGC | 3 Years (01/10/2015 - 30/09/2018) | F.No. 05-15/2014 (HRP) dt. 09.09.2015 | 6,59,600 |
12 | Screening of antimicrobial peptides and biomolecules from microbial diversity isolated from Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu for their therapeutic applications | Dr. V. Shanmugaraju, Biotechnology | UGC | 3 Years (01/04/2013 - 31/03/2016) | F.No. 42-210/2013 (SR) dt. 22.03.2013 | 12,13,300 |
13 | Utilization of micro-algae from Noyyal river basin, Coimbatore for CO2 sequestration, hydrocarbon production, effluent treatment and for the production of commercially important products | Dr. D. Geetharamani, Microbiology | DST | 3 Years (01/08/2012 - 31/07/2015) | F.No. DST/ IS-STAC/ COS-SR-108/11(G) dt. 18.07.12 | 32,95,102 |
14 | Studies on molecular mechanism of cardioprotective activity of principle (Garcinol) of Garcinia indica in experimentally induced cardiotoxicity | Dr. K. Gurusamy, CLT | UGC | 3 Years (01/07/2012 - 30/06/2015) | F.No. 41-1277/2012 (SR) dt. 26.06.2012 | 14,13,800 |
15 | Socio Economic Conditions, Awareness Level of Marketing & Farm Loan Facilities Related Problems - An Empirical Investigation with Special Reference to with Special Reference to Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur districts | Dr. S. Saravanan, Commerce | UGC | 2 Years (01/02/2011 - 31/01/2013) | F.No. 5-295/2010 (HRP) dt. 10/02/2011 | 4,45,200 |
16 | Antitumor activity of Alpinia purpurata on blader cancer cell lines | Dr. S. Suja Biochemistry | UGC | 3 Years (01/02/2010 - 31/01/2013) | F.No. 38-57/2009 (SR) dt. 19/12/2009 | 5,92,300 |
17 | Investigation on crude and bioactive compounds from marine micro algae for preventing coronary heart diseases | Dr. S. S. Sudha, Microbiology | UGC | 3 Years (01/02/2010 - 31/01/2013) | F.No. 38-56/2009 (SR) dt. 19.12.2009 | 11,11,800 |
18 | Fish waste - a renewable alternative source for protease production | Dr. A. Mahalakshmi Priya, Biotechnology | UGC | 3 Years (01/02/2010 - 31/01/2013) | F.No. 38-55/2009 (SR) dt. 19.12.2009 | 6,03,800 |
19 | Strategies and technologies for effective electronic medical record systems | Dr. P. R. Muthuswamy, Management | UGC | 2 Years (01/02/2010 - 31/01/2012) | F.No. 5 - 474/2009 (HRP) dt. 18/01/2010 | 5,02,800 |
20 | Chermomodulatory role of Couropita guianensis extract on hepatic cancer cell lines | Dr. S. Mohandass, Biochemistry | UGC | 3 Years (01/05/2009 - 30/04/2012) | F.No. 35-158/2008 (SR) dt. 20.03.2009 | 9,68,800 |
21 | Identification and exploitation of wood rotting fungi from Western Ghats area for biotechnological process | Dr. K. Selvam, Biotechnology | UGC | 3 Years (01/05/2009 - 30/04/2012) | F.No. 35-31/2008 (SR) dt. 17.03.2009 | 6,92,800 |
22 | Communication Skill | The Principal | UGC | - | F.No.4-442/2009 (COP) dt. 01.03.2009 | 7,00,000 |
S.No | Project Title | Name of the PI & Dep | Funding Agency | Duration | Sanction Order No. | Amount in Rs. |
1 |
Amelioration of Educational Cognizance amongst Tribal Women in Annakatti |
Dr. C. M. Kanchana, English |
March 2023 - Feb 2024 |
F.No. 02/82/2022-23/ICSSR/RP/MN/SC |
₹ 197,850 |
2 |
An Exploratory Study into Public Awareness of the Environmental Impact of Menstrual Products Waste Disposal in the Coimbatore District |
Dr. R. Menaka, Chemistry |
March 2023 - Feb 2024 |
F.No. 02/69/2022-23/RP/MN |
₹ 367500 |
3 | Farmers’ Perception towards Organic farming for Sustainable Livelihood in Coimbatore District | Dr. J. Lilly, Commerce with Information Technology | ICSSR | 1 Year (01/11/2019 - 31/10/2020) | No. 02/55/2019-20/MN/ICSSR/RP dt.31.10.2019 | 3,50,000 |
4 | A Study on Framer’s Perception on Different Marketing Channels for Major Vegetables in Ooty and Coimbatore Districts of Tamil Nadu | Dr. M. Ranjithkumar, Commerce with Business Analytics | ICSSR | 1 Year (01/11/2019 - 31/10/2020) | No. 02/44/2019-20/MN/ICSSR/RP dt.31.10.2019 | 3,00,000 |
5 | E-Governance towards Good Governance-An Analysis of Selected Village Panchayat Blocks in Coimbatore District | Dr. M. Shanthini Devi, Dr. S. Arunpriya, Commerce with Computer Application | ICSSR-IMPRESS | 1 Year (01/10/2019 - 30/09/2020) | IMPRESS/P3661/392/2018-19/ICSSR dt.17.09.2019 | 4,34,000 |
6 | Wild life Damage, Crop insurance /Compensation for Farmers In Coimbatore division | Dr. P. Revathi,, Dr. R. Muthukumar, Commerce with Banking and Insurance | ICSSR-IMPRESS | 1 Year (01/10/2019 - 30/09/2020) | IMPRESS/P1296/641/2018-19/ICSSR dt.12.09.2019 | 3,00,000 |
7 | Women harassment in textile industry with special reference to Coimbatore city | Dr. A. Lakshmi Priya, Commerce with Banking and Insurance | ICSSR-IMPRESS | 1 Year (01/04/2019 - 31/03/2020) | IMPRESS/P1426/168/2018-19/ICSSR dt.20.03.2019 | 3,50,000 |
8 | A Study on Socio-Economic Conditions and Problems faced by the Slum Dwellers in Rapid Urbanization with special reference to Coimbatore Corporation | Dr. S. Namasivayam, Dr. N. Kodhai Nayaki, Business Process Services | ICSSR-IMPRESS | 1 Year (01/04/2019 - 31/03/2020) | IMPRESS/P3426/64/2018-19/ICSSR dt.20.03.2019 | 4,90,000 |
S.No | Project Title | Name of the PI & Dep | Amount in Rs. |
1 |
Gluten-Chitosan based biodegradable composite fabrics incorporated with lauric acid for active packaging application |
Dr. R. Suganthi – Dept. of Biotechnology |
₹.1,02,500 |
2 |
Fabrication of rGO based portable water purifier synthesized from dead leaves of plants: Awaste of wealth initiative |
Dr. J. Martin Sam Gnanaraj – Dept. of Physics, Dr. R. Dilip, Dr. M. Dinesh Kumar |
₹.1,05,000 |
3 |
Development of Self-Cleaning Textiles using Nanoemulsion and Nanogel based coatings prepared from medicinal plant extracts |
Dr. M.N. Kathiravan - Dept. of Biotechnology, Dr. M. Shanmugavadivu |
₹.1,08,250 |
4 |
Mass cultivation of Sphingomonas trueperi for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) degradation in textile waste dump yard at Tirupur |
Dr. A.M. Ramachandran – Dept. of Microbiology |
₹.1,01,500 |
5 |
Assessment of IoT based water utilization using Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for selected crops |
Dr. R. Senthil Kumar – Dept. of Computer Science with Cognitive Systems, Dr. S. Senthil Prabhu |
₹.1,05,360 |
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College established in 1997 is a standing testimony of Kongu Mamani Dr. Nalla G. Palaniswami, a well renowned doctor, Educationalist & Philanthorophist and his generous wife eminent personality of the decade. Dr.Thavamani D. Palaniswami. Discipline and Quality education are Hall mark of this institution. There are about 8450 students on rolls with 286 faculty members under the streams of Humanities, Basic and Applied sciences, Biosciences, Computer Sciences, Commerce and Management. The college infrastructure and instructional facilities on par with global standard have paved way for rendering quality education which is proven through NAAC reaccreditation with “A” Grade and 91st NIRF ranking by MHRD at National level in colleges’ category. The Intellectual Property rights for the academic year 2018 - 19 was initiated in our campus on July 19, 2018.
The primary objective of this activity is to provide a forum to MSME entrepreneurs, Industry Associations and others stakeholders, including professionals having working experience of MSME sector to share knowledge, experience and create mass awareness on various aspects of IPR.
The WIPR-19 began with the Orientation given by Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran. Following an overview of an Intellectual Property Rights was given by Dr. D. GeethaRamani, Dean Academics. Implications of Intellectual Property Rights were explained by Dr. S. Saravanan, Dean Administration, Idea on how to have a Copyright was given by Dr. V. Shanmugaraju. The importance of the Patent and trademark were given by Dr. S. Balasubramanian. The role of DBT and Research was given by Dr.S.Sudha, CDC co-ordinator. Prof. E.Kumaran spoke about Initiation of IPR cell and its progression in Dr. N.G.P Arts and Science.
The Keynote address was given by Dr. S. P. Subramaniyan, Deputy Controller of Patents & Design, Patent Office, Chennai. He gave the brief introduction to IPR and Patenting system in India. Procedure for filing patents and Drafting complete specification was given by Mr. V. Palanisamy, Assistant Controller of Patents & Design, Patent office. Chennai.
Importance of Indian Patent and Case Studies was given by Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran, Dr. D. Sridevi , Associate Professor and Head, Dr. N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore has delivered a keynote address on Copyright-Case studies.
The following are the Program Schedule carried out during WIPR-19.
S.No |
Topic |
Keynote Speaker |
1 |
Introduction to IPR
Dr. S.P. Subramaniyan Deputy Controller of Patent & Design |
2 |
Patenting System in India |
Dr. S.P. Subramaniyan Deputy Controller of Patent & Design |
3 |
Procedure for filing patents |
Mr.V. Palanisamy Assistant Controller of Patent & Design |
4 |
Drafting complete Specification |
Mr.V. Palanisamy Assistant Controller of Patent & Design |
5 |
Indian Patent – Case Studies |
Principal |
6 |
Copyright – Case Studies |
Dr. D. Sridevi HOD, Nutrition & Dietetics |
Name of the Convener: Dr. M. Shanmugavadivu
Dr.P.R. Muthuswamy Director Academics Dr.N.G.P Educational Institutions, Coimbatore
Student Feedback session on Intellectual Property Rights
Group Photo - WIPR-19
S.No | Date | Resource Person | Topic |
1 |
03.04.2024 |
Dr.M. Shanmugavadivu, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Dr. N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore |
Workshop on “Patent Search for Effective Patent Drafting” |
2 |
13.02.2024 |
Dr. R. Mohanraj, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Registered Patent Agent- IN/PA 5522, Department of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu, Coimbatore |
Expert talk on “Effective Patent Drafting and Response to First Examination Report” |
3 |
26.09.2023 |
Ms. J. Niranjana, NJ Artzy, Coimbatore |
Motivational talk on “Entrepreneurship opportunities in the digital world” |
4 |
18.08.2023 |
Dr.B.Divyapriya, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Kongunadu Arts and Science, Coimbatore |
Guest Lecture on “Angel Investment & VC Funding Opportunities for Early-stage Entrepreneurs” |
S.No | Name of Inventor | Name of Department | Title of the Invention | Application Number | Date |
1. |
Dr. S. Gowri |
Biochemistry |
Polyherbal hand cleanser and preparation method thereof |
202441007895 |
06-Feb-24 |
2. |
Dr. J. Martin Sam Gnaraj |
Physics |
Fabrication of portable water filter using reduced Graphene Oxide |
202441007894 |
06-Feb-24 |
3. |
Dr. M. Suganthi |
Chemistry |
Development of Leaf curd protein incorporated peanut spread |
202441007896 |
06-Feb-24 |
4. |
Ms. D. Jancy Rani |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Formulation and Standardization of Drynaria quercifolia Gummies |
202441007560 |
05-Feb-24 |
5. |
Ms. M. Rakeshwari |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development and formulation of boba balls incorporated with guava leaves (Psidium guajava) |
202441003496 |
18-Jan-24 |
6. |
Dr. S. Kokila |
Development of Bio- anti dandruff shampoo based on herbal source Mangifera indica Kernel and Protei |
202441002669 |
13-Jan-24 |
7. |
Ms. P.P. Abhirami |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Standardization of Tortilla chips with Brassica oleracea var, capitata F. rubra, Spinacia oleracea |
202441002677 |
13-Jan-24 |
8. |
Mrs. S. Madhumitha |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Kombucha fermented fruit flavored Beverage |
202441002676 |
13-Jan-24 |
9. |
Ms. M. Anjali |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Standardization and development of Khakhra Incorporated with resistant starch extracted from Oats |
202441002672 |
13-Jan-24 |
10. |
Dr. Meera Raman |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Design and development of Standardized Protein rich herbal (Thymus vulgaris) Short Bread |
202441002675 |
13-Jan-24 |
11. |
Dr. V. Kavitha |
Design and Development of fire-retardant curtains using banana fiber for air-conditioned buses |
202441002667 |
13-Jan-24 |
12. |
Ms. U. Rasikha |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development and standardization of Value-Added dip from Red Banana peel powder for Obesity |
202441002674 |
13-Jan-24 |
13. |
Dr. M. Thiruselvi |
Formulation and evaluation of Poly Herbal Anti scar cream |
202441003477 |
13-Jan-24 |
14. |
Dr. T. Indumathi |
Design and development of Herbal Facial beauty mask |
202441002668 |
13-Jan-24 |
15. |
Dr. C. Hemalatha |
Formulation and Evaluation of Organic Lip Balm using Beta vulgaris, Aloe barbadensis Miller and Clit |
202441002670 |
13-Jan-24 |
16. |
Dr. C. Sasikala |
Microbiology |
Development of Paper using Bio-waste of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) |
202441002666 |
13-Jan-24 |
17. |
Ms. D. Jancy Rani |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development of Muntingia calabura Candy for Hypertension Patients |
202441002671 |
13-Jan-24 |
18. |
Dr. G. Malarvizhi |
Development of Anti Pesticide finished jute apron for farmers |
202441002673 |
13-Jan-24 |
19. |
Ms. G. Priyaalini |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development of Instant Soup Mix Comprising Sprouted Wheat and Trigonella foenum-graecum Leaves |
202441002680 |
13-Jan-24 |
20. |
Dr. K. Rajathi |
Biochemistry |
Development of Herbal Based Gloves Coated in cotton fabric with Valeriana officinalis extract with e |
202441002433 |
12-Jan-24 |
21. |
Dr. S. Senthil Prabhu |
Microbiology |
Red Cabbage Extract as Natural Redox Indicator in Methyl Red, Carbohydrate Fermentation and Citrate |
202341054822 |
16-Aug-23 |
22. |
Dr. D. Sridevi |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Formulation Of Soup Strips Using Pam Vegan Soup Mix |
202341019084 |
23-Mar-23 |
23. |
Dr. D. Sridevi |
Food Science and Nutrition |
A study on formulation and Standardization of Spriggy papad |
202341019042 |
23-Mar-23 |
24. |
Ms. M. Anjali |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Formulation and Development of ice cream incorporated with Spirulina and ash gourd |
202441002672 |
23-Mar-23 |
25. |
Dr. D. Sridevi |
Food Science and Nutrition |
A Study on Formulation and Quality Evaluation of Minor Millets Condensed Milk |
202341018715 |
20-Mar-23 |
26. |
Dr. D. Sridevi |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Volarization of Onion Through Formulation and Production of Ready-to-use Use Cubes with the Spices |
202341018716 |
20-Mar-23 |
27. |
Dr. M.Poongothai |
Biotechnology |
Optimization of Temperature for Extraction of Protease from Coconut Shells (Cocos nucifera) and its application in food industry. |
202341015883 |
10-Mar-23 |
28. |
Dr. M.Poongothai |
Biotechnology |
Bio-plastic production from peduncle and peel of Musa paradisiaca – An ecofriendly approach |
202341015884 |
10-Mar-23 |
29. |
Dr. K. Rajathi |
Biochemistry |
Synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles using green tea leaf as an effective antimicrobial activity against urinary tract infection and production of organic intimate wipes as its treatment |
202341015886 |
10-Mar-23 |
30. |
Dr. K.Rajathi |
Biochemistry |
Design and implementation of IOT Technology in for Accident Detection and Emergency Vehicle Tracking |
202341015889 |
10-Mar-23 |
31. |
Dr. N. Vanitha |
Information Technology |
Chronic Kidney Disease Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques |
202341010284 |
16-Feb-23 |
32. |
Dr. R.Senthil Kumar |
Cognitive System |
IoT Based College Bus Tracking and Surveillance |
202341010285 |
16-Feb-23 |
33. |
Dr. S. Rekha |
Information Technology |
Face Recognition based Attendance System |
202341010289 |
16-Feb-23 |
34. |
Dr. Radha Palaniswamy |
Biotechnology |
Development of polyvinyl alcohol film incorporated with Tridax procumbens leaf extract for food packaging application |
202341010286 |
16-Feb-23 |
35. |
Dr. Radha Palaniswamy |
Biotechnology |
Synthesis of Emulgel from Euphorbia hirta and Coccinia grandis leaves |
202341003608 |
18-Jan-23 |
S.No | Name of the Staff | Type of IPR | Work | Registration No & Date |
1. |
Dr. D. Sridevi |
Copyrights |
Quality evaluation of Hajod stem (Cissus quandrangularis) powder fortified in pearl millet roti |
L-139213/2023 (22-Dec-23) |
2. |
Mrs. H.Kavya Jyothi |
Copyrights |
Formulation and development of coconut milk kefir incorporated with Abutilon indicum |
L-136170/2023 (14-Nov-23) |
3. |
Dr. D. Sridevi |
Copyrights |
A study and development of nutrient-enriched syrup using watermelon seed milk |
L-133721/2023 (29-Sep-23) |
4. |
Ms. M.Anjali |
Copyrights |
Development and formulation of pomegranate (Punica granatum) and ridge gourd (Luffa actangula) incorporated edible spoon |
L-133731/2023 (29-Sep-23) |
5. |
Prof. R.Shivani, V.Sruthy (Student), Food Science and Nutrition |
Copyrights |
A study on development of tempeh incorporated with soybean, barley, kidney bean and analysis of its nutritive value |
L-98673/2021 15-Jan-21 |
6. |
Prof. C. Abinaya, C. Vidhya (Student), Food Science and Nutrition |
Copyrights |
A study on the development and evaluation of iron rich cookies by using drumstick and agathi leaves |
L-98674/2021 15-Jan-21 |
7. |
Prof. P.Kanneshwari, S.Rohini (Student), Food Science and Nutrition |
Copyrights |
A study on development and organoleptic evaluation of omega-3-enriched ice cream |
L-98349/2021 11-Jan-21 |
8. |
Dr. D. Sridevi, S.Ruba (Student), Food Science and Nutrition |
Copyrights |
A study on formulation and standardization of spriggy papad |
L-98338/2021 11-Jan-21 |
9. |
Dr. Radha Palaniswamy |
Copyrights |
Insight into bioplastics - a simple guide to bioplastics |
L108423/2021 |
10. |
Dr. D. Sridevi, Rekha Krishnan K(Student), Food Science and Nutrition |
Copyrights |
Unlocked pages of pcos (away from futile to fertile) |
L-79221/2018 29-Nov-18 |
11. |
Dr. D. Sridevi, Shilp Joy (Student), Food Science and Nutrition |
Copyrights |
Procreation of cow and soy curd by using starter culture as |
L-70252/2017 15-Nov-17 |
S.No | Name of the Inventor | Name of the Department | Title of the Invention | Application Number | Date |
1 |
Dr. C. Hemalatha |
Formulation and Evaluation of Organic Lip Balm using Beta vulgaris, Aloe barbadensis Miller and Clit |
202441002670 |
13-Jan-24 |
2 |
Dr. C. Sasikala |
Microbiology |
Development of Paper using Bio-waste of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) |
202441002666 |
13-Jan-24 |
3 |
Dr. G. Malarvizhi |
Development of Anti Pesticide finished jute apron for farmers |
202441002673 |
13-Jan-24 |
4 |
Ms. G. Priyaalini |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development of Instant Soup Mix Comprising Sprouted Wheat and Trigonella foenum-graecum Leaves |
202441002680 |
13-Jan-24 |
5 |
Ms. M. Rakeshwari |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development and formulation of boba balls incorporated with guava leaves (Psidium guajava) |
202441003496 |
18-Jan-24 |
6 |
Dr. V. Kavitha |
Design and Development of fire-retardant curtains using banana fiber for air-conditioned buses |
202441002667 |
13-Jan-24 |
7 |
Ms. U. Rasikha |
Food Science and Nutrition |
Development and standardization of Value-Added dip from Red Banana peel powder for Obesity |
202441002674 |
13-Jan-24 |
8 |
Dr. T. Indumathi |
Design and development of Herbal Facial beauty mask |
202441002668 |
13-Jan-24 |
9 |
Dr. S. Senthil Prabhu |
Microbiology |
Red Cabbage Extract as Natural Redox Indicator in Methyl Red, Carbohydrate Fermentation and Citrate |
202341054822 |
16-Aug-23 |
Sri Nalla Gounder Research Awards are annually conferred to students, scholars and faculty members in recognition of their outstanding contributions to respective discipline (Basic and Applied Sciences, Biosciences, Computer Science, Commerce, Management and Humanities) through quality of noted research related activities in the form of research projects, research paper reviews, product development, case studies etc. The awards are given in the following categories
S.No. | Category | Staff In-charge | Awardees |
Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences | |||
1. |
Best Project |
Mr. S. Ramesh Kumar Mrs.P.Kavitha |
Ms.K.Dharani,- MSc., Maths |
2. |
Best Work Paper |
Dr. R. Menaka Mr.R.Dilip |
Dr. M. Dineshkumar – Chemistry |
3. |
Best Research Paper Review |
Dr. J. Martin Sam Gnaraj Mr. M. Dinesh Kumar |
Ms. P. Nithika CDF |
4. |
Best Product |
Ms.R.Anandhi Mr.M.Venkateswaran |
Ms.M.Kavi Shree - CDF |
5. |
Best Ph.D. Thesis |
Mrs. R. Revathi Dr.R.Rajkumar |
Dr. T.R. Indumathi- CDF |
6. |
Best Professor-Research Contribution |
Mr. D. Sivakumar Ms. S. Ragavi |
Dr. S. Eswaramoorthi- Maths |
7. |
Most Research Oriented Department |
Dr.S.Eswaramoorthi Dr. S. Manimekalai |
Physics Department |
8. |
Best Fund Mobilizer |
Dr.M.R.Ananthan Dr.K.Kavitha |
Dr. R. Dilip - Physics |
Bio-Sciences | |||
1. |
Best Project |
Dr.N.Kannikaparameswari Dr.C.Hemalatha |
J. Guna Raja Jayashree – Bio-Chemistry |
2. |
Best Work Paper |
Dr.K.Arungandhi Dr.N.Vidhya |
Dr. N. Vidhya- Microbiology |
3. |
Best Research Paper Review |
Dr.K.Rajathi Dr.S.Saranya |
Sneha Suresh- III B.Sc. Biochemistry 1. Ms. Alice Keerthana.S Research Scholar - Biotechnology |
4. |
Best Product |
Dr.M.Thiruselvi Dr.Radha Palaniswamy |
Dr.D.Thirukumaran-Microbiology |
5. |
Best Ph.D. Thesis |
Dr.A.M.Ramachandran Dr.D.Pradeepa |
Dr. M.E. Pavithra- Microbiology |
6. |
Best Professor-Research Contribution |
Dr.M.N.Kathiravan Dr.K.Anbalagan |
Dr.Radha Palanisamy - Biotechnology |
7. |
Most Research Oriented Department |
Dr.R.Mahenthiran Dr.M.Shanmugavadivu |
Nutrition & Dietetics |
8. |
Best Fund Mobilizer |
Dr.S.Gowri Dr. S. Sasikala |
Dr. S.S. Sudha - Microbiology |
Computer Science | |||
1. |
Best Project |
Dr.G.Angeline Prasanna Mrs.P.Menaka |
Keerthana D-CS with Data Analytics |
2. |
Best Work Paper |
Dr.S.Uma Dr. P. S. Vijayalakshmi |
Dr. S. Saranya- AIML |
3. |
Best Research Paper Review |
Dr.S. Poorana Senthilkumar Dr.M.Aruna |
Nil |
4. |
Best Product |
Dr.J.Savitha Dr.N.Sathya |
Ms. J. Subhashita -III BSc IT A |
5. |
Best Ph.D. Thesis |
Dr.P.Sakthi Murugan Dr.R.Suganthi |
Dr. R. Kavitha- Computer Science |
6. |
Best Professor-Research Contribution |
Dr.P. Usha Dr.K.Kavitha |
Dr. R. Senthil Kumar- CS with Cognitive Systems |
7. |
Most Research Oriented Department |
Dr. R. Kalaivani Dr.B.M.Rajesh |
Department of Computer Science |
8. |
Best Fund Mobilizer |
Dr.T.R.Anand Dr.M.Sangeetha |
Dr. R. Senthil Kumar- CS with Cognitive Systems |
Commerce | |||
1. |
Best Project |
Mr.P.Vimal Kumar Dr. Vennila Gopal |
Ms. Illamathi- II M. Com |
2. |
Best Work Paper |
Dr.M.P.Kumaran Mrs.V.Sengani |
Mrs. S. Archana-Corporate Secretaryship |
3. |
Best Research Paper Review |
Dr.S.Gandhimathi Dr. C. Eahambaram |
Kavya A-CSCA |
4. |
Best Case Study |
Dr.R.Senthil Kumar Mr.M.Gunasekaran |
Nil |
5. |
Best Ph.D. Thesis |
Dr. P. Kannan Dr.N.Ramya |
Dr. G. Iliakkia- Commerce |
6. |
Best Professor-Research Contribution |
Dr.S.Renugadevi Dr. D. Suresh Kumar |
Dr. S. Renugadevi -Commerce CSCA |
7. |
Most Research Oriented Department |
Dr. C. Kandasamy Dr.R.Geetha |
Department of Commerce |
8. |
Best Fund Mobilizer |
Dr.J.Nithya Dr. A.Y.Kettiramalingam |
Dr. M. Kalimuthu-Commerce (PA) |
Management | |||
1. |
Best Project |
Dr. R. Latha Dr.A.Ragukumar |
Samuel Raj J -MHA |
2. |
Best Work Paper |
Dr. R. Madhulaa Ms.G. Sree Dharani |
Dr. V. Abirami-Management |
3. |
Best Research Paper Review |
Dr.M.Sofia |
Raveena VP-MHA |
4. |
Best Case Study |
Dr.S.N.Selvaraj Mrs.U.Suji |
Brindha S -MHA |
5. |
Best Ph.D. Thesis |
Dr.S.Mohan |
6. |
Best Professor-Research Contribution |
Dr.V.Abirami |
Dr. S. Mohan- Management |
7. |
Most Research Oriented Department |
Dr.V.Uma |
BBA(CA) Department |
8. |
Best Fund Mobilizer |
Dr.R.Rukmathan |
Dr. S. Mohan- Management |
Humanities (Tamil & English) | |||
1. |
Best Project (English) |
Ms.M.Saranya |
Navitha S-English |
2. |
Best Work Paper (Tamil & English) |
Dr.R.Renuka Devi Ms.B.Vidhya |
Dr. M. Jaychandaran-Tamil Dr. M. Marimuthu-English |
3. |
Best Research Paper Review (English) |
Dr.G.Aruna |
Thillai Ramya P-English |
4. |
Best Creative Writer (Tamil) |
Dr.M.Sindhu |
S. Maheswari-English |
5. |
Best Creative Writer (English) |
Dr.C.M.Kanchana |
Akshara A.M.S- English |
6. |
Best Ph.D. Thesis |
Dr.K.Sankar |
Nil |
7. |
Best Professor-Research Contribution |
Dr.M.Jayachandran |
Dr. R. Vithya Prabha-English |
8. |
Most Research Oriented Department |
Dr.M.Sampath Kumar Dr.K.Kavitharaj |
Department of English |
9. |
Best Fund Mobilizer |
Dr.K.Selvi Dr.M.Marimuthu |
Nil |
The College would strengthen innovation in research leading to filing of patents for which all technical and financial support would be extended. If any innovation is accomplished, the institution shall encourage the researchers to patent it. The College bears all expenditure for filing application for the patent. If the patent is commercialized the earning is to be shared between researcher and the College. The College shall create awareness about intellectual property rights among faculty, researchers and scholars from time to time.
Name of the Cell |
Name of the Convener |
Members |
Intellectual Property Rights |
Dr.V.Vinothini Dept. of Information Technology |
Faculty of BAS |
Dr. K. Sakthivel, Dept. of Chemistry. |
Faculty of BIS |
Dr.K.Anbalagan, Dept. of CLT. |
Faculty of COM |
Dr.T.Vasumathi, Dept. of Com (IB) Dr.L.Suguna, Dept. of Commerce PA |
Faculty of CS |
Mrs.B.Leelavathi, Dept. of Computer Technology |
S.No | List of Major Funding agencies in India | Web Site |
01. | UGC – University Grants Commission | |
02. | CSIR – Council for Scientific & Industrial Research | |
03. | DAE – Department of Atomic Energy | |
04. | DST – Department of Science & Technology SERC – Science & Engineering Research Council | |
05. | DRDO – Defence Research & Development Organization | |
06. | MOEF – Ministry of Environment & Forest | |
07. | DBT – Department of Biotechnology | |
08. | ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research | |
S.No | List of Major Funding agencies in India | Web Site |
01. | UGC – University Grants Commission | |
02. | ICSSR - The Indian Council of Social Science Research | |
03. | MOSJE - Ministry of Social Justice & Empowermen | |
04. | MOWR - Ministry of Water Resources | |
05. | MOEF – Ministry of Environment & Forest | |
06. | DBT – Department of Biotechnology | |
07. | Social Science Fellowship | |
08. | Malcom & Elizabeth Adhisheshiah Trust | |
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has established ‘MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years.
MIC has envisioned encouraging creation of ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) across selected HEIs. A network of these IIC will be established to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses.
To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem. Start-up supporting Mechanism in HEIs. Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework. Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-incubation of Ideas. Develop better Cognitive Ability for Technology Students.
Course | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | Total |
Biochemistry |
2 |
4 |
- |
4 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
Microbiology |
1 |
3 |
- |
1 |
7 |
3 |
- |
2 |
1 |
15 |
Bio Technology |
- |
- |
6 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
- |
16 |
Comp. Science |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
6 |
6 |
Commerce |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
8 |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
Management |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
English |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
Admission Registration