NGP Arts


The Management is benevolent in providing various scholarships to the students like Meritorious in Academics and Sports, Wards of college employees, Siblings of students, Alumni, Children of Ex servicemen and Children of employees of group concern. The scholarship support for the College term fee, Stay and Food in the hostel for outstation students. Every year more than 1000 students are availing these scholarships and motivate them to excel further in their career.

Academic Merits

While students seeking admission to the College, their academic merits in the school examination are taken into consideration and based on merits they are given Scholarship / concession in the Tuition fee throughout the programme. It encourages the socially and economically weaker section of people to pursue their higher education.

Meritorious in Sports and Games

The students excelled in sports and games during their school life are indentified and they are supported through various scholarships/ full or partial concession in the Tuition fee, Stay and food in the college hostels based their achievements. Every year more than 100s of students are getting benefitted out this support.

Childrens of Employees of the College and Group Institutions

The Scholarships / Concessions are extended to the son / daughters of employees working in the College as well as group concern. These practice give recognition to their service and encourage them to do better in their service.

Alumni to pursue Post graduate Programmes

Alumni of the Dr NGPASC are given special concession in the College fee to pursue Post graduate progammes in our College. Further, the meritorious alumni are given special scholarships.

Childrens of Ex-Servicemen

The service of Ex-Servicemen in the defense services are recognized by giving scholarships to their children.

Admission Registration

opens from 12-02-2025