Minority Cell


Chairman Principal
Management Representative Dr.M.Natesan,
Senior Administrative Officer
Convener Dr.S.Saravanan,
Dean - Admin

Department of Corporate Secretaryship


Dr.M.Thiruselvi, Department of Clinical Lab Technology

Mr.M.Thanasingh, Physical Director


Roles & Responsibilities

  • To provide necessary assistance to minority students in resolving academic and administrative problems as part of resolving grievances.
  • To arrange special opportunities to enhance the career development of these students
  • To conduct the programme for disseminating the scholarship schemes provided by governmental agencies and other sources.
  • To conduct the programme for dissemination of grant schemes provided by government agencies and other sources.
  • The research cell is constituted with the Principal as chairman, Dean, R&D as Coordinator, and all research guides as members. The ways and means of improving research activities will be discussed in the meeting of Research cell.

Tenure of the Committee

The committee shall hold office for a fixed term of 3 academic years.

Periodicity of the Meeting

The Committee will meet once in an academic year. Whenever required, a special meeting could be convened.

Minutes of Meeting

Admission Registration

opens from 12-02-2025