SC / ST Cell


Chairman Principal
Management Representative Dr.M.Natesan,
Senior Administrative Officer
Convener Dr.S.Saravanan,
Dean - Admin

Department of Microbiology


Dr.S.Uma maheswari, Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Dr.Jayachandran, Department of Tamil


Roles & Responsibilities

  • To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of minority students.
  • To render them necessary help in solving academic as well as administrative problems.
  • To arrange special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth of these students.
  • To conduct the programme for disseminating the scholarship schemes provided by governmental agencies and other sources.

Tenure of the Committee

The committee shall hold office for a fixed term of 3 academic years.

Periodicity of the Meeting

The Committee will meet once in an academic year. Whenever required, a special meeting could be convened.

Minutes of Meeting


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