NGP Arts

Department of Physics

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Physics plays a vital role to enrich the science. It is the fact behind every action occurring in our surroundings. With the motive to enlighten the students’ knowledge in physics, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College established the Department of Physics in the year 2015. Since then, the sole objective of this department is to ignite the minds of students to relish the beauty of Physics. As Physics is the basic science required behind every innovative creation, the students in this department are cultivated to churn their minds in innovative area.

Started with only undergraduate course in 2015, the department started its post graduate course in the year 2018, M.Phil., and Ph.D., courses in the year 2019. The courses offered in this department are focus on diverse fields with depth in their respective streams. With a team of dedicated faculties and substantial infrastructural facilities, the department march towards Excellence!!!



3 Years






H.S.C. Passed with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


2 Years






B.Sc. Physics with Mathematics/Mathematics (C.A.) as one of the allied subjects or B.Sc. Physics with Computer Application with Mathematics as one of the allied subjects/B.Sc. Applied Physics


1 Year (FT) / 2 years (PT)




M.Sc. Physics with 55% or above


2 Years for M.Phil. / 3 Years for M.Sc. Physics Graduates


July & October


M.Sc. / M.Phil. Physics with 55% or above


To inculcate, promote scientific principles and technological developments in par with societal needs and envisages achieving excellence in various areas of research with ethical standards.


Foster creativity, encourage inter-disciplinary thinking, provide good academic ambience, educational and research experience that connects academia with industry for ensured career opportunity.

Department Activites (2024-25)

Student Development Programme

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 30-Jul-24 Measuring Po and Bo value corrections and differences in each latitude for KTT sun’s image chart Mr. Mohammed Roshan B, II M.Sc. Physics

Seminar / Workshop / Conferences organized

S. No. Date Nature of the Event (Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop) Title of the Event Resource Person
1 31-Jul-24 Workshop AI tools for Buddy Scientists Prof. Dr. G. Angeline Prasanna
Dept. of Computer Science, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College

Department Activites (2023-24)

Guest Lecture/Invited Lecture

S. No. Date Name and Designation of the Resource Person Topic
1 29-Feb-24 Dr.R. Ramesh Babu
Professor and Head, Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tirchy
2 08-Jul-23 Dr. Gopal Ram Innovation a small step a giant leap
3 01-Sep-23 Dr. Priyadharsini N
Associate Professor in Physics, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women
Intellectual Property Rights
4 04-Sep-23 Mr. P. Jawahar Raja, Batch 2021-23 Alumni - Dr. NGPASC

Mr. A. Sricharan, Batch 2021-23, Alumni - Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Handling Astronomical telescopes - CELESTRON

Seminar / Workshop Conferences organized

S. No. Date Nature of the Event (Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop) Title of the Event Resource Person
1 06-Mar-24 Workshop Spectral Analysis And Data Interpretation Mr. T.Elangovan
Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Science,Periyar University, Salem




Working and Fabrication of Third Generation Solar Cells

Dr. Sasirekha & Dr. Kirthiga, Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science



G20 Activity

Soap making (Charcoal)

Dr. M.R. Venketaraman

Assistant Professor, Physics, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College



Telescope making,Assembly,Handling and Focussing celestial objects on sky.

Mr. Bharathkumar Velusamy

Director – R&D, Open Space Foundation, Namakkal

Mr. Bharathkumar Velusamy

Scientific Assistant, Open Space Foundation, Namakkal

Mr. P. Jawahar Raja,

(2021- 23) Batch Alumni - Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Mr. A. Sricharan, Batch 2021-23, Alumni - Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore



Higher Education and Job Opportunities

Dr. Martin Sam Ganaraj

Assistant Professor in Physics, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Dr. M.R. Venketaraman

Assistant Professor in Physics, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Alumni Interaction

S.No Date Title Alumni
1 19-Jan-24 Exploring Career Paths And Opportunities In Physics Navigating The Master’s Journey V.M Hariharan, PG in Physics 2019-2021 Batch

Extension Activities

S.No Date Nature of the extension Place Students involved
1 20-Jan-24 Awareness on Energy Saving Sarkar Samakulam 45

Co-curricular Activities

S.No Date Name of the Event
1 26-Feb-24 Spectra 24
2 23-Aug-23 Live Streaming of Chandraayan III Soft Landing
Short Film & Sketches Competition

Archive (2015-2022)


Faculty Details

01. Associate Professor & HOD (i/c)
Dr. K. Girija
M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.


Teaching: 7.3 years | Research: 7 years


Nanoscience and Technology

View Profile
02. Professor
Dr. V. Gopala Krishnan
M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.


Teaching: 12.3 years | Research: 13 years


Gas sensing Oxide Materials, Li-Ion Battery

View Profile
03. Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.(Post Doc)


Teaching: 6.11 Years | Research : 16 Years


CIGSSe, CZTS based thin film solar cells & materials

View Profile
04. Assistant Professor
Mrs. R. Revathi
M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed. (Ph.D.)


Teaching: 9.5 Years | Research: 4 Years


Nanomaterials, Thin film Technology

View Profile
05. Assistant Professor
Dr. R. Karunathan
M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.


Teaching: 8.4 years | Research: 6 Years


Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Computational Physics

View Profile
06. Assistant Professor
Dr. R. Dilip
M.Sc., Ph.D.


Teaching: 2.10 Years | Research: 5 years


Nano Technology, Magnetic materials and Photovoltaic Cells

View Profile
07. Assistant Professor
Dr.J. Martin Sam Gnaraj
Dr.J. Martin Sam Gnaraj
M.Sc., Ph.D.


Teaching: 4 Years | Research :11 Years


Crystal Growth, Nanomaterials

View Profile
08. Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil.


Teaching: 2 Years



View Profile
09. Assistant Professor
Dr. S.Gunasekaran
M.Sc., Ph. D.


Teaching: 0.11 Years | Research: 5 years


Material Science

View Profile


B.Sc. Physics

Programme educational objectives

The Curriculum is designed to attain the following learning goals which students shall accomplish by the time of their graduation:

  • Producing graduates who are well acquainted with the fundamentals of Physics and requisite skills, in order to use their knowledge in Physics in a wide range of practical applications.
  • Developing creative thinking and the power of imagination to enable graduates work in research in academia and industry for broader applications.
  • Relating the training of Physics graduates to the employment opportunities within the country.
  • To promote societal values through Physics related activities.

Programme outcomes

On the successful completion of the B.Sc Physics programme, the following are the expected outcomes

PO Number PO Statement
P01 Demonstrate an understanding of basic scientific principles, theories, and laws in Physics as well as an awareness of the changing nature of science.
P02 Analyze, interpret, and evaluate scientific hypotheses and theories using rigorous methods use appropriate mathematical techniques and concepts to obtain quantitative solutions to problems in physics.
P03 Demonstrate basic experimental skills by the practice of setting up and conducting experiments with minimizing measurement errors.
P04 Demonstrate a qualitative understanding of the core physics ideas and the relationship of this physics to the humanities through both written and oral communication.
P05 Demonstrate an ability to recognize the need for life-long learning for sustaining professional career.


M.Sc. Physics

Programme educational objectives

The curriculum is designed to attain the following learning goals which students shall accomplish by the time of their graduation:

  • To produce graduates with advanced knowledge in Physics and requisite skills, in order to use their knowledge in Physics in a wide range of practical applications.
  • To develop creative thinking and the power of imagination to enable graduates work in research in academia and industry for broader applications.
  • To relate the training of Physics graduates to the employment opportunities within the country.
  • To promote societal values through Physics related activities.

Programme outcomes

On the successful completion of the M. Sc. Physics programme, the following are the expected outcomes.

PO Number PO Statement
P01 Apply theoretical knowledge of principles and concepts of Physics to practical problems.
P02 Develop skills in planning and carrying out advanced physics experiments.
P03 Solve scientific problems by applying a combination of theory, numerical simulation, and experiments.
P04 Relate critically to scientific models.
P05 Examining specific phenomena theoretically and experimentally, to contribute to the generation of new scientific insights or to the innovation of new applications of physics research.

Department Achievements (2023-24)

Awards and Prizes for Staff

S.No Date Name of the Staff Name of the Award Awarded by
1 20-Mar-24 Dr.R.Dilip Sri Nalla Gounder Research and Innovation Awards - Best Fund Mobilizer Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
2 26-Jun-23 to 30-Jun-23 Dr. K. Girija International Travel Support SERB
3 13-Jul-23 to 14-Jul-23 Dr. J. Martin Sam Gnanaraj I prize in Poster Presentation ICCNEST-23

Staff Participation

S.No Date Name of the Staff Event Organization / Institution



Dr. K. Girija

National Workshop on “Beneficial Applications of Radiation Technology and Indian Nuclear Programme

Department of Medical Physics in association with KMCH Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Coimbatore


30-Jun-23 to 4-Jul-23

Dr. K. Girija

Faculty Development Programme on Empowering Education for innovation – A NEP perspective

Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore


17-Jul-23 to 22-Jul-23

Mrs. S. Punitha

Short term Course on “Nanomaterials for Clean and Sustainable environment”

PSGR Krishammal College for Women, Coimbatore.


13-Jul-23 to 14-Jul-23

Dr. R. Dilip

Dr. J. Martin Sam Gnanaraj

International Conference on Recent Advancements in Computational Nanoscience and Energy Storage Technology (ICCNEST-23)

NGM College, Pollachi

Staff Presentation

S.No Date Name of the Staff Name of the Event Title of Presentation Organization / Institution



Mrs. R.Revathi

International Conference

Role of detergent on the surface tension of water and effect in cleaning activity

SNR College of Arts and Science College, Coimbatore


14-Sep-23 & 15-Sep-23

Mrs. R.Revathi

LASER 2023

Studies on physical properties on PS/ZnO Nanocomposites

Periyar University, Salem


10-Aug-23 & 11-Aug-23

Dr. K. Girija

National Conference on Advanced Biocompatible materials and devices/systems for Biomedical Applications

Floral network Nanostructured Ag/SrFeO3 for electrochemical behaviour of Biomolecule detection

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore

Staff Publication

S.No Name of the Faculty Title Journal Name ISSN / ISBN No., Date of publishing, Vol. No. Impact Factor Indexed in (SCI/WoS/UGC/SSCI/Scopus)
1 M R Ananthan Semi-transparent dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) for energy-efficient windows with microwave-prepared TiO2 nanoparticles as photoanodes Materials Letters 360 (2024) 135953 3 SCI
2 M R Ananthan Micro-Raman spectroscopy of laser induced changes in polycrystalline CuInTe2 Results in Optics 13 (2023) 100577 2 SCI
3 Dr. K Girija Development of promising Flower-like Ag/SrFeO3 Nanosheets electrode materials: An Efficient and Selective Electrocatalyst Detection of Caffeic Acid in Coffee and Green Tea ACS Omega ISSN: 2470-1343 4.132 SCI

Students Participation

S.No Date Name of the Student(s) Event Organization / Institution Prize won
1 09-Jan-24 Pavin Kumar K, Soorya Sree N P 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. Participation
2 05-Jan-24 Terry Thomson G, Dineshkumar M One day Workshop on Electron Microscopy ( High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy) PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore Participation

Students Presentation

S.No Date Name of the Student Event Title of Presentation Organization / Institution
1 19-Jan-24 Gowtham B International Conference on Recent Advances in Physical Sciences Utilizing pongamia pinnata dead leaves for cost-effective synthesis of reduced graphene oxide a sustainable approach for photocatalytic dye degradation agricultural resue Holy Cross College, Thiruchirappalli
2 09-Jan-24 Dineshkumar M 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles for supercapacitor application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
3 09-Jan-24 Abirami M 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Studies on spray coated sb2s3 for large area solar cell application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
4 09-Jan-24 Devasri J 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Light driven photocatalysis of reduced graphene oxide synthesized from dead leaves of azadirachta indica for agricultural application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
5 09-Jan-24 Subashini R 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Application of barium ferrite nanoparticle in water purification KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
6 09-Jan-24 Varthini S M 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Synthesis of biomass derived activated carbon assisted magnesium ferrite anode material for supercapacitor application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
7 09-Jan-24 Bhuvaneshwari S 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Synthesis of li2tio3 nanoparticles by simple chemical method for solar cells application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
8 09-Jan-24 Sharulatha K R 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Biomass derived from jackfruit seed for supercapacitor application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
9 09-Jan-24 Chandrahasan J 7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide from used cigarette butts for water purification application KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore

Book Publications

S.No Date Name of the Staff Name of the Book Name of the Publisher Year of Publication ISBN
1 Sep 2023 Mrs.R.Revathi Studies of Physical Properties of PS/ZnO Nanocomposites International conference on Light applications in Science and Engineering Research, Periyar University 2023 978-81-1982-108-2
2 2023 Dr. K. Girija Fundamentals and Applications of Nanostructure Perovskite Oxides Scholars World, New Delhi 2023 978-93-5461-710-2

Admission Registration

opens from 12-02-2025